It was in July 2024 that Kat performed her first successful transoral resection which involved removing a cancerous tumour from her patient’s throat using new single port robotic surgery. With a magnified high-definition view and use of fine instruments for greater precision, the new technology means surgeons can remove tumours of the throat that previously would not have been accessible through the mouth.
Following a generous £1 million donation in April 2024 from the Marina Dalglish Appeal, Aintree University Hospital became the first NHS hospital in the UK to receive Intuitive’s da Vinci single port surgical system – and the first in Europe to be using the single port for head and neck (transoral) procedures.
“Liverpool has one of the highest rates of head and neck cancer in the UK due to health inequalities, so it’s really important that our hospitals are working with the community while using the latest technology to offer our patients the best surgical options available,” said Kat, who went to America in 2022 for intensive surgical training to transition from using laser treatment to operating using the robotic single port.
Kat, who is also the co-clinical lead of Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, which looks at ways to deliver improved patient care, added: “The training gave me the opportunity to see how the robot could be used to benefit our patients as well as for surgeons while operating. My first surgery using the single port went really smoothly and was a great success for the patient, who has since gone on to have radiotherapy and is recovering well.
“He knew that this would be my first operation using the single port, we get to know our patients quite well and understand what they need and how we can support them, because we’ll see them until their five-year remission. Our specialist head and neck nurses, dieticians, speech and language therapists all support our patients to ensure they have the aftercare they need for recovery.”
Patients’ speech, swallowing and airways can all be affected by head and neck cancer, so it can be life-changing if it’s not treated early. Anyone who has a lump in their neck that doesn’t go away, a mouth ulcer that doesn’t heal or who notices a change in their voice should go and see their GP.
Kat, who became a consultant in 2020, added: “As the first female in Europe to carry out this operation, I feel it’s important to show trainees and students what is achievable with this tailor-made technology. We’re now looking at different ways we can use the single port for other head and neck tumours that we previously might not have been able to remove due to the location of the tumour.
“It’s still a male-dominated speciality but I’m lucky to be in an organisation that has embraced this technology and wants us to be at the forefront of the robotic programme that benefits our patients. I’m pleased I can encourage females aspiring to become surgeons and that with dedication and training they can be leading the way in surgery too.”